
Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject nutrition.

The Cholesterol Delusion

Why the cholesterol hypothesis is one of the biggest scams in medical history. Read more...

Salt: The Underestimated Elixir of Life

It is just as important to eat enough salt as it is to drink enough water. Instead of eating less salt, as the government recommends, we should be eating more - just make sure it's the right sort! not available online   order this issue

Alzheimer's: Coconut Oil to Feed the Brain.

Consumption of coconut oil prompts the body to produce a substance that is the best nourishment for brain cells – and can protect our little grey cells from dementia. Read more...

Diagnosis: Wheat Belly

Modern wheat is cheap and high-yield. Genetically-speaking, it has little in common with the strains cultivated just 50 years ago, not to mention wild varieties. Thanks to high-output wheat, we can get muffins and rolls in XXL packs – but it’s becoming increasingly evident that we are baking ourselves into an early grave. Read more...

Digestion: If the Bowel's Happy, We're Happy Too!

300 to 500 square metres of intestinal mucosa is the fertile soil on which the little plant of our health depends. If the ecology of our digestive garden becomes unbalanced, diseases may spring up. At first glance they have absolutely nothing in common with one another: depression and anxiety, development disorders and learning difficulties, as well as allergies and obesity - even illnesses such as diabetes, Parkinson's or Alzheimer's. not available online   order this issue

Xylitol: "Tooth Decay Can Be Prevented"

… and in the sweetest possible way, too. Read here the unbelievable story of a natural ­substance that is as white and sweet as sugar—yet gentle on the teeth! Read more...

How industrial toxic waste is sold to us as healthy

Walter Mauch, a German doctor, is a vocal campaigner against the toxins that threaten our health every single day. Read here his powerful and alarming words on the subject of fluoride, iodine, aspartame, glycerine, glutamate and trans fats. Read more...

Goodbye to Cellulite and Baldness!

What cellulite is for women, the bald patch is for men: not simply a ‘cosmetic problem’ but a tactic employed by the body to ensure our survival. By eliminating the causes of these two common complaints, we can help the skin regain its firmness and the head hold on to its crowning glory. Read more...

Proteins: The Disregarded Key to Better Health

A lot of people suffer from a chronic protein deficiency, which all too often leads to a number of health complaints. Food alone is not always the answer, but thanks to the ­latest nutritional research there is now a solution. Read more...

Microwave ovens make us fat!

Whoever still uses one of these practical microwave machines cuts precious years off his own life—with the added risk of becoming fat. Read more...