Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject nervous system.
300 to 500 square metres of intestinal mucosa is the fertile soil on which the little plant of our health depends. If the ecology of our digestive garden becomes unbalanced, diseases may spring up. At first glance they have absolutely nothing in common with one another: depression and anxiety, development disorders and learning difficulties, as well as allergies and obesity - even illnesses such as diabetes, Parkinson's or Alzheimer's. not available online order this issue
Ultrasound scans can be extremely dangerous for the unborn child. Russian scientists have even compared sonograms to a sledgehammer that can cause enormous damage to the unborn baby's DNA. not available online order this issue
Prana, also called God's breath, preserves galaxies. Without this spiritual fire of the sun, the planets and people would all cease to exist. Read more...
Our article on magnesium in the last issue of Facts are Facts provoked a massive response. Read here just a few of the success stories sent in by readers who felt the benefits for themselves, and remind yourselves of the essential functions performed by magnesium in the body. Read more...
We are currently experiencing a serious and widespread magnesium deficiency. Depleted soil is not least to blame, as it only produces vegetables and grains that are low in this essential mineral. Yet magnesium is vital for our well-being: not only can it heal “incurable” diseases such as arthritis, but we also need it for healthy cell division. Too little magnesium means degenerated cells—in other words, cancer. Read more...
Panic attacks and anxiety are frequently a consequence of exhaustion and poor nutrition. Read more...