This page lists all articles published in Facts are Facts concerning the topic Money • Economy.
“There are as many stars as there are grains of sand,” we say, meaning an infinite number. We clearly don’t believe that the sand on this planet could ever run out. But we are hugely mistaken. Read more...
Contaminated waterways, the rapid extinction of many species of flora and fauna, diseases of civilisation... We have saddled ourselves with a mortgage that soon we won't be able to keep up. Although the concepts of sustainability and recycling are on everyone's lips, somehow we're simply not making any headway. But there is a glimmer of hope in the concept known as "cradle to cradle", which propagates the joy of producing, consuming, and disposing. It upholds the ideals of beauty, abundance and life, and though it we can take our cue from Nature. not available online order this issue
In the last 50 years, an unholy alliance has formed: the union of ever-faster computer systems with a philosophy that regards human beings as greedy beasts, forever seeking their own advantage. Now they have combined to ensure ever more billions of profit for a tiny, powerful elite, and to make everyone connected to the internet the puppets of their own venal desires. Read more...
What really makes us happy at work and at home? You’ll be amazed: it’s not money – and that’s a scientific fact! Read more...
Genes, plants, animals, even human sperm and eggs - patenting life is big business. Nothing and nobody is to be spared and only grassroots resistance can stop this shocking legalised practice. Read more...
Across the globe, the privatisation of public goods pours billions into the coffers of big business. In the case of water - that vital, basic resource - consequences such as raised prices and reduced quality are particularly drastic. As you might expect, opposition is strong - and effective. Read more...
...said the Chinese Sage Lao Tse 2,500 years ago. Another quote from his contemporary, Confucius, confirms just how false the goals that our society prizes are: "The noble man uses his wealth to create his life. The common man uses his life to create wealth." Learn here how to deal with the theme "money or not money" without letting it consume your soul. Read more...
Those mechanisms we just described in our extensive report on radicalised Islam are once again playing out before the world's eyes. Find out here the real reasons why the "Arabian Spring" is blasting despots away now, of all times—and what this has to do with our financial system. Read more...
If you follow the trail of money, chances are you’ll also find the true course of world history running alongside it. Read here how the power of money has darkened the path of hope with blood, sweat and tears over the last two hundred years of the Age of Pisces. Yet even if the plutocracy refuse to believe it, their days are numbered and their wealth is merely built upon sand... Read more...
How Napoleon's defeat brought one banker immense wealth. not available online order this issue