Find out here how special silicon compresses help the body regain harmony simply by being placed upon it, and how findings from quantum physics make the specific application of this bion energy possible. Read more...
Was the development of militant Islam inevitable—or was it stirred up by those powers that want to spark off the "Clash of Civilisations"? Read more...
Those mechanisms we just described in our extensive report on radicalised Islam are once again playing out before the world's eyes. Find out here the real reasons why the "Arabian Spring" is blasting despots away now, of all times—and what this has to do with our financial system. Read more...
Now that we have examined the geo-political background of the current fanaticising of Islam, we will try to take a more spiritual view of things. If we remain on the same level on which the battle is being fought, we may miss the light of knowledge in the smoke of cannon. not available online order this issue
The fundamental principals of all religions come from the same source. not available online order this issue
It seems as if the world’s destructive forces are currently fuelling the separation between peoples and religions—not only to prevent our planet’s salvation, but also the promise of a happy, fulfilled life in the coming ‘Golden Age of Faith’: true brotherhood among all men. The Bulgarian sage Omraam Michael Aivanhov (1900-1986) understood this. Read here his words on the subject. Read more...
An ancient method from India helps women bring their children into the world virtually pain-free. Read more...
Whoever still uses one of these practical microwave machines cuts precious years off his own life—with the added risk of becoming fat. Read more...
James the Just was not only Jesus’ younger brother, but also his successor as leader of the first Christians. If Christianity had built its church on this rock, the world would be a different place today. Read here the forgotten story of a man whose memory was deliberately erased by the Church. Read more...
The Roman Church chose an extremely bad patron saint for itself: Simon Peter, who was never commissioned by Jesus to found a church. Read more...
Just under a hundred years ago, a poison began to infiltrate the masses; a poison that makes people believe whatever they're told. Its name is propaganda and it has long ousted Truth from its rightful place. not available online order this issue
In 1995, an electric car came onto the market in the USA that could have revolutionised the automobile industry. Unfortunately, it was too good to survive! Just imagine what the world would be like today if nearly all our comfortable cars ran on quiet, clean and much more efficient electric motors! Read more...
A list of topics covered in the articles in edition No. 9:
A list of the most frequently mentioned keywords in the articles in edition No. 9: