This page lists all articles published in Facts are Facts concerning the topic Family.
The ‘threshold experience’ called birth is the most natural thing in the world. But instead of making this wonderful transition into a new physical incarnation in a soft and safe environment, babies are nowadays usually dragged roughly out into the bright lights of a sterile labour ward. This downright brutal procedure, which interferes with the essential mother-and-child bonding process, is affecting the spiritual development of our entire society. not available online
Once supposed to be a harmless meeting place for students, Facebook has become an unpredictable parallel world, unleashing people’s basest instincts and causing endless suffering and despair. Read on to find out what ‘social networks’ are doing to our young people. Read more...
There being "more things in heaven and earth", we are peeking behind the curtain of the unseen to find out what makes Facebook & co ticking time bombs. Read more...
We can send space probes through the solar system, but we have forgotten how to keep love alive. The reason can be found in the very place where the probes are headed: in the sun, the source of divine love. Whoever blocks this source prevents earthly love from succeeding. This is more than just ‘religious’ doctrine: it’s a fact, recently proven in the discipline of field energetics. Read on to find out how you can breathe new life into love – and keep ‘divorce’ a foreign concept. Read more...
What links hydrogen atoms and twin souls? - A heavenly power of an allencompassing nature that we humans struggle to comprehend. Read more...
An ancient method from India helps women bring their children into the world virtually pain-free. Read more...
Why even partnerships obey the laws of nature. not available online order this issue
How you can learn to interact responsibly with new forms of media. not available online order this issue
How two young men overcame their addiction to computer games and hard rock music. not available online order this issue
15 tips to prevent children pulling away from their parents. not available online order this issue