This page lists all articles published in Facts are Facts concerning the topic Politics • Society.
The ‘Arab Spring’ promised freedom and democracy for the Middle East. Instead, the region has been soaked in blood. How could this happen? Why has the ‘Islamic State’ not been defeated, and who is behind the terrorist group? The answers to these questions are inconvenient. Only those prepared to see the masked ball of politics for what it is will be ready for the realisation that white is sometimes black, and vice versa. not available online
Little more than a hundred years ago, the "War to End All Wars" broke out. Soldiers marched off cheerfully to a "short" war, only to be mown down in their millions in the trenches. However, the First World War was not only the biggest, most murderous conflict the world had ever seen. It was also the end of an era of peace, confidence and bourgeois prosperity. not available online
“People never lie so much as before an election, during a war, or after a hunt.” Otto von Bismarck “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.” Thomas Jefferson not available online
The ‘threshold experience’ called birth is the most natural thing in the world. But instead of making this wonderful transition into a new physical incarnation in a soft and safe environment, babies are nowadays usually dragged roughly out into the bright lights of a sterile labour ward. This downright brutal procedure, which interferes with the essential mother-and-child bonding process, is affecting the spiritual development of our entire society. not available online
“There are as many stars as there are grains of sand,” we say, meaning an infinite number. We clearly don’t believe that the sand on this planet could ever run out. But we are hugely mistaken. Read more...
A justified question, if we stop to think how strongly most people are influenced by the internet. Is it still a haven for independent thought, where information can flow freely? Or has it long been as monopolised as the rest of the world? not available online order this issue
Do we really want to become the subjects – kept under permanent surveillance – of a global state by the name of Facebook? If not, then quitting the social networking habit is the only escape.. Read more...
Anyone who has been following events in Egypt – the riots and demonstrations, fanaticism on the rise, chaos wherever you look – might easily forget that Egypt was once a beacon of high culture and civilisation. Once, it was heir to the lost civilisation of Atlantis, a land where priest and Pharaoh both were guided by true occult wisdom. Let us look back many thousands of years to Egypt’s heyday, and learn about a way of life that was defined by spirituality, not money. Read more...
Contaminated waterways, the rapid extinction of many species of flora and fauna, diseases of civilisation... We have saddled ourselves with a mortgage that soon we won't be able to keep up. Although the concepts of sustainability and recycling are on everyone's lips, somehow we're simply not making any headway. But there is a glimmer of hope in the concept known as "cradle to cradle", which propagates the joy of producing, consuming, and disposing. It upholds the ideals of beauty, abundance and life, and though it we can take our cue from Nature. not available online order this issue
Once supposed to be a harmless meeting place for students, Facebook has become an unpredictable parallel world, unleashing people’s basest instincts and causing endless suffering and despair. Read on to find out what ‘social networks’ are doing to our young people. Read more...