
This page lists all articles published in Facts are Facts concerning the topic Hyperacidity.

Autism: Rooted in the Bowel

Autism is a metabolic disorder. It is also triggered by vaccinations that damage the bowel in small children, most notably the MMR jab. Even though this has been substantiated several times over, the researcher who first discovered the connection still faces intense persecution. Read more...

Free Your Body of Heavy Metals - For Good!

Millions suffer from mercury poisoning. What can be done? not available online   order this issue

Digestion: If the Bowel's Happy, We're Happy Too!

300 to 500 square metres of intestinal mucosa is the fertile soil on which the little plant of our health depends. If the ecology of our digestive garden becomes unbalanced, diseases may spring up. At first glance they have absolutely nothing in common with one another: depression and anxiety, development disorders and learning difficulties, as well as allergies and obesity - even illnesses such as diabetes, Parkinson's or Alzheimer's. not available online   order this issue

Goodbye to Cellulite and Baldness!

What cellulite is for women, the bald patch is for men: not simply a ‘cosmetic problem’ but a tactic employed by the body to ensure our survival. By eliminating the causes of these two common complaints, we can help the skin regain its firmness and the head hold on to its crowning glory. Read more...

Get Rid of Gallstones - Pain-free!

Not just a product of the gall bladder, gallstones can also occur in the liver - perhaps the most important organ for our health. But it can only work to its optimum efficiency if we keep it gallstone-free. not available online   order this issue