Genes, plants, animals, even human sperm and eggs - patenting life is big business. Nothing and nobody is to be spared and only grassroots resistance can stop this shocking legalised practice. Read more...
Across the globe, the privatisation of public goods pours billions into the coffers of big business. In the case of water - that vital, basic resource - consequences such as raised prices and reduced quality are particularly drastic. As you might expect, opposition is strong - and effective. Read more...
What links hydrogen atoms and twin souls? - A heavenly power of an allencompassing nature that we humans struggle to comprehend. Read more...
It's just as we've always suspected: we don't need the archetypal scary dentist with his drill to look after our teeth! Teeth are actually in the best position to look after themselves - before we start interfering, that is. not available online order this issue
Unlimited immigration dumbs down Western Europe - scientifically proven! Read more...
Migration problems are a question of consciousness too - it's no coincidence where you are born. Read more...
Millions suffer from mercury poisoning. What can be done? not available online order this issue
Where do we go when we die? How will we live there? And what does this mean for this earthly life? not available online order this issue
Why channelling is so dangerous, and why we normally can't communicate with the dead - even when we think we can. Read more...
300 to 500 square metres of intestinal mucosa is the fertile soil on which the little plant of our health depends. If the ecology of our digestive garden becomes unbalanced, diseases may spring up. At first glance they have absolutely nothing in common with one another: depression and anxiety, development disorders and learning difficulties, as well as allergies and obesity - even illnesses such as diabetes, Parkinson's or Alzheimer's. not available online order this issue
Ultrasound scans can be extremely dangerous for the unborn child. Russian scientists have even compared sonograms to a sledgehammer that can cause enormous damage to the unborn baby's DNA. not available online order this issue
A list of topics covered in the articles in edition No. 14:
A list of the most frequently mentioned keywords in the articles in edition No. 14: