This page lists all articles published in Facts are Facts concerning the topic Surveillance • Conspiracy • Secret Societies.
“People never lie so much as before an election, during a war, or after a hunt.” Otto von Bismarck “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.” Thomas Jefferson not available online
Do we really want to become the subjects – kept under permanent surveillance – of a global state by the name of Facebook? If not, then quitting the social networking habit is the only escape.. Read more...
Exactly one hundred years ago, a group was founded in London that has manipulated public opinion in the West on an unbelievable scale ever since. The accomplices to its crimes are many and diverse, but two, the Tavistock Institute and the RAND Corporation, play a critical role. Read more...
Again and again, little children are discovered whose "band of forgetfulness" is still permeable, and who can clearly remember a past life. Cases like these have been scientifically researched for more than 40 years. One book looks specifically at European cases. Read more...
In the last 50 years, an unholy alliance has formed: the union of ever-faster computer systems with a philosophy that regards human beings as greedy beasts, forever seeking their own advantage. Now they have combined to ensure ever more billions of profit for a tiny, powerful elite, and to make everyone connected to the internet the puppets of their own venal desires. Read more...
What unites high-ranking Freemason, the big banks, the Illuminati, the royal houses, and the tycoons? They are all members of the "Committee of 300", which, according to a British ex-spy, rules the world - here and now. Read more...
The Names and functions of the world's 300 most influental people. not available online order this issue
Social networks and online shopping are being abused to find out everything about us. Read more...
Read here about the events surrounding the horrible massacre on the Norwegian island Utøya and in Oslo —events that the mass media has kept from us. Read more...
If you follow the trail of money, chances are you’ll also find the true course of world history running alongside it. Read here how the power of money has darkened the path of hope with blood, sweat and tears over the last two hundred years of the Age of Pisces. Yet even if the plutocracy refuse to believe it, their days are numbered and their wealth is merely built upon sand... Read more...