This page lists all articles published in Facts are Facts concerning the topic Health • Science.
Spiritual teachings tell us that the element Water is bound to our emotions, to our soul. He who learns to control his emotions receives the mystical baptism - and should then serve selflessly, just as Water does. not available online order this issue
Pioneering student of nature Viktor Schauberger was one of the most significant personalities of the last century, yet received no laurels in his own lifetime. Today, more than 50 years after his death, his findings are being put into practice with increasing success—particularly in watercourses. Read more...
Walter Mauch, a German doctor, is a vocal campaigner against the toxins that threaten our health every single day. Read here his powerful and alarming words on the subject of fluoride, iodine, aspartame, glycerine, glutamate and trans fats. Read more...
Industrial agriculture has made deserts of previously fertile fields. Yet they don’t have to stay that way for ever—barren terrain can soon regain its fruitfulness with the miracle of terra preta, the ‘black earth’. Read more...
Birds are people too - even if they don't drive cars, have savings accounts, or go shopping every weekend. Maybe they're happier and more at peace than we are. And what we really don't want to admit: They're here to make us happy! Read more...
The internationally renowned biophysicist Ulrich Warnke from Saarbrücken in Germany has spent decades researching the effects of electromagnetic fields on living organisms. In this essay he proves by example of bird migration, among others, how our wireless communication technology has such a harmful effect on animal and man. Read more...
Reports are flooding in from around the world about the lethal threat of mobile communications to birds. Read more...
The universe wasn't created by the Big Bang, but by the Creator. Galaxies form, fall apart, and form anew - for as above, so below. Read more...
Prana, also called God's breath, preserves galaxies. Without this spiritual fire of the sun, the planets and people would all cease to exist. Read more...
What cellulite is for women, the bald patch is for men: not simply a ‘cosmetic problem’ but a tactic employed by the body to ensure our survival. By eliminating the causes of these two common complaints, we can help the skin regain its firmness and the head hold on to its crowning glory. Read more...