
This page lists all articles published in Facts are Facts concerning the topic Animals.

Birds of a Heavenly Feather

Birds are people too - even if they don't drive cars, have savings accounts, or go shopping every weekend. Maybe they're happier and more at peace than we are. And what we really don't want to admit: They're here to make us happy! Read more...

Migratory Birds & Magnetic Fields: Deadly Interference

The internationally renowned biophysicist Ulrich Warnke from Saarbrücken in Germany has spent decades researching the effects of electromagnetic fields on living organisms. In this essay he proves by example of bird migration, among others, how our wireless communication technology has such a harmful effect on animal and man. Read more...

Too Much Mobile Ringing Will Soon Mean Birds No Longer Singing

Reports are flooding in from around the world about the lethal threat of mobile communications to birds. Read more...

Music and Water: Chiming Jellyfish and Singing Whales

Water and music have a much closer bond than previously thought. Read here about musical jellyfish, and what singing whales are doing for the benefit of Earth. Read more...

Dehorned Cows: Who's made? The Cow Without Horns or the Farmer That Takes Them?

A bold-faced question indeed, since the farmer isnÆt actually acting from evil motives when he has his cowsÆ horns sawn off. Yet some agriculturalists from the AllgSu region of Austria, bordering Switzerland, feel that what is usually dismissed as a harmless practice is little more than gratuitous mutilation. Analyses of the blood and milk from de-horned cows prove them right. not available online   order this issue

The Bees Are Dying

Bees keep dying—wherever mobiles have become indispensible. And it’s not just the industrial countries; even developing countries are now affected. Read here about the most recent vital results that reveal how increasing electrosmog is threatening the survival of people, birds and bees and what we can do about it! Read more...

Electromagnetic Pollution: The Sparrow - No Longer In Fine Feather

Now birds, too, are no longer able to withstand cell phone radiation. not available online   order this issue

Penguins: Discovering the Man Within the Bird

One of the sweetest beings on this planet is the tux-wearing, walking bird of the South Pole. Here follows some information about their lives and existence, which may surprise you. Read more...

Antenna Towers Make It a Dog's Life...

Animals don’t know anything about electromagnetic pollution. It just makes them sick. The effects of cellular and wireless phones on the health of dogs, cats, horses and cows. Read more...

Have You Kissed a Snail yet Today?

Yuck, you say. Well, you don't have to go straight to kissing snails. But how about showing them a little affection? Eike Braunroth is a man who has learned to make friends with what we disdainfully refer to as "creepy crawlies". It has turned his garden into a paradise! Read more...