This page lists all articles published in Facts are Facts concerning the topic Health • Science.
Contaminated waterways, the rapid extinction of many species of flora and fauna, diseases of civilisation... We have saddled ourselves with a mortgage that soon we won't be able to keep up. Although the concepts of sustainability and recycling are on everyone's lips, somehow we're simply not making any headway. But there is a glimmer of hope in the concept known as "cradle to cradle", which propagates the joy of producing, consuming, and disposing. It upholds the ideals of beauty, abundance and life, and though it we can take our cue from Nature. not available online order this issue
Aluminium is a neurotoxin. Yet we still spray and smear it over our bodies in the form of deodorants and sun tan lotion. We drink it, via coffee capsules and drinks cans. We have it injected into us when we get vaccinated. The latest research reinforces aluminium’s position as prime suspect not just for rising breast cancer rates, but also for Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and dementia. Read more...
Why the cholesterol hypothesis is one of the biggest scams in medical history. Read more...
Forests are the Earth's skin. Without them, life would be impossible. Read more...
For decades, a worrying decay of the Earth's magnetic field has been observed. This is directly related to the disappearance of the planet's plant cover. not available online order this issue
Mobile phone radiation is causing physical and mental sickness predominantly in children and young people – and may even be making them infertile. The latest scientific findings are alarming. Read more...
It is just as important to eat enough salt as it is to drink enough water. Instead of eating less salt, as the government recommends, we should be eating more - just make sure it's the right sort! not available online order this issue
Consumption of coconut oil prompts the body to produce a substance that is the best nourishment for brain cells – and can protect our little grey cells from dementia. Read more...
The tobacco in the mummified pharaoh is piece of the puzzle, just as are the magnolia tree in Florida and the wall fragments on the bottom of the Caribbean. Together with thousand of other such pieces, they trace the outline of an ancient continent that lies buried under the waters of the Atlantic. not available online order this issue
The decoding of the Mayan calendar shines a completely new and fascinating light on the history of this Native American culture: for 400 years, Danish Vikings ruled over the Maya not available online order this issue