This page lists all articles published in Facts are Facts concerning the topic Health • Science.
We are currently experiencing a serious and widespread magnesium deficiency. Depleted soil is not least to blame, as it only produces vegetables and grains that are low in this essential mineral. Yet magnesium is vital for our well-being: not only can it heal “incurable” diseases such as arthritis, but we also need it for healthy cell division. Too little magnesium means degenerated cells—in other words, cancer. Read more...
A chemical used for decades to disinfect drinking water is proving to be perhaps the strongest antibiotic of all. Yet what could give hope to millions is deliberately being kept quiet by those with the most to lose. Read more...
Nothing troubles the secret elite powers quite so much as the world’s growing population. Their goal is to reduce this number to a billion—and by any means possible: wars, famine, epidemics, disease and vaccines that make women infertile. Read more...
Epidemics could finish off more people than war and starvation within a very short time. What if someone were to take advantage of this? Read more...
How to stay healthy and grow old gracefully. not available online order this issue
People have worshipped the sun as a deity since time immemorial, and rightly so. It is what maintains our biosphere on Mother Earth, giving us life and nourishing this life afresh every day. Both humans and animals have always understood their dependence on the sun and have used its healing rays at every opportunity. It wasn’t until our “highly civilized” world that almost everyone began suffering from a considerable deficiency in the sun’s Vitamin D, with serious consequences for body and mind. Read more...
These days there is an illness from which around two to four billion people suffer without even realising it. They suffer because scientific medicine is, for the most part, still unable to pinpoint the cause – and the ailment would actually be reasonably easy to cure within mere weeks! Read more...
Plants can see, hear, talk, smell, taste, feel, communicate and remember. Plants have more sense receptors than people! Tomatoes can sense an approaching cyclone three days in advance, and if plants have a “headache” they produce their own aspirin… Research is constantly unearthing amazing new information! Read more...
Since the deaths of several young women, the vaccination against cervical cancer has come under heavy criticism. Read more...
Yes, there is a conspiracy! - Why medicine is no longer serving humanity. Read more...