This page lists all articles published in Facts are Facts concerning the topic Planet Earth • Conservation.
More than half the world’s ecosystems are on the brink of collapse. Modern farming methods bear much of the responsibility – but also hold the key to the Earth’s recovery... not available online
The Garden of Eden is not irrevocably lost. Innovative farmers are returning to the philosophy of the first agriculturalists, who loved the soil that fed them. These are the pioneers of a holistic collaboration with Mother Earth – practising agriculture in the profoundest sense of the word. not available online
“There are as many stars as there are grains of sand,” we say, meaning an infinite number. We clearly don’t believe that the sand on this planet could ever run out. But we are hugely mistaken. Read more...
Contaminated waterways, the rapid extinction of many species of flora and fauna, diseases of civilisation... We have saddled ourselves with a mortgage that soon we won't be able to keep up. Although the concepts of sustainability and recycling are on everyone's lips, somehow we're simply not making any headway. But there is a glimmer of hope in the concept known as "cradle to cradle", which propagates the joy of producing, consuming, and disposing. It upholds the ideals of beauty, abundance and life, and though it we can take our cue from Nature. not available online order this issue
Forests are the Earth's skin. Without them, life would be impossible. Read more...
For decades, a worrying decay of the Earth's magnetic field has been observed. This is directly related to the disappearance of the planet's plant cover. not available online order this issue
The tobacco in the mummified pharaoh is piece of the puzzle, just as are the magnolia tree in Florida and the wall fragments on the bottom of the Caribbean. Together with thousand of other such pieces, they trace the outline of an ancient continent that lies buried under the waters of the Atlantic. not available online order this issue
Constantly increasing levels of wireless communication are damaging the internal structure of water and breaking it apart, worsening droughts and accelerating climate change. Read more...
Driving and heating, nonpolluting incineration or welding - all using water? It sounds like a story from the Thousand and One Nights, but it's reality: Brown gas (HHO) makes it possible! not available online order this issue
More and more, cheaper and cheaper—globalisation is making it all possible. Yet this ‘dream’ of unlimited economic growth comes at a terrible price. We are suffocating the planet under a pile of rubbish, and ruining our health in the process. Read more...