Breath • Pranha • Aura

This page lists all articles published in Facts are Facts concerning the topic Breath • Pranha • Aura.

The Battle of Good vs. Evil

Two souls, alas, reside within our breast. One light and one dark. Together they make up the emotional world we live in. When will we finally start to exercise our emotional body, and not just our physical one? Because for us this could be the difference between heaven and hell! not available online  

Healing with the "Breath of Life"

Illness manifests itself in our etheric body long before we experience it physically. Pranic healing works on disease or sickness in the place it first emerges - often before we even realise it's there. This "no-touche" method of healing activates the power of self-healing, harmonises energy imbalances in the etheric body, and strengthens life force. And it often works where all other medicine has failed. Read more...

Breathing: Connecting to the Creator

Proper breathing should be long and deep, giving us everything our body, mind and soul need. Shortness of breath is one of the most widespread ills of modern society - but health is just a yawn away! Read more...

Cosmology: Born of the Spirit

The universe wasn't created by the Big Bang, but by the Creator. Galaxies form, fall apart, and form anew - for as above, so below. Read more...

The Sun: Source of our Being

We are all children of the sun. We live in the body of the sun. Everything that we have, are, and will be comes from the sun. How amazing that we seek God, and don’t recognise Him or Her in the sun! Read more...

The Power of Breath

Why oxygen is so important for brilliant thinking. not available online   order this issue

The Fountain of Youth Within

Any illness can be remedied with the power of positive thinking and proper breathing. One Japanese centenarian doctor has proven this time and again-and has become younger in the process! Read more...