Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject mind.
The emotions are out of balance: More and more people are no longer able to cope with everyday life due to stress and overwork. In addition, the number of young people who are no longer able to perceive their feelings at all is growing steadily. What steps can be taken to regain the balance? not available online
From the spiritual point of view, organ transplants have serious consequences. One doesn’t merely acquire another person’s organ, but also part of their destiny – and the responsibility for it! Read more...
There being "more things in heaven and earth", we are peeking behind the curtain of the unseen to find out what makes Facebook & co ticking time bombs. Read more...
What links hydrogen atoms and twin souls? - A heavenly power of an allencompassing nature that we humans struggle to comprehend. Read more...
Although we're connected to it our whole life long, we don't know who our body really is: A being with its own past, future, and individual consciousness. Read more...
What do we actually do when our body is lying sleeping in bed? Why do we sometimes fall into dreamless deep sleep and other times jerk awake bathed in a cold sweat? Find out here why all sleep is not equal and how you can use the night to further your development! Read more...
The latest research shows: When a heart is transplanted, a part of the human soul comes along with the organ. Read more...
What our youth consumes today is musical dynamite that not only leaves the ears deaf, but also poisons the soul and makes the body sick, which has been scientifically proven. There is a plan behind it whose goal is the eradication of traditional Western culture. Read more...
Anton Styger came into the world a clairvoyant. Like many mediums, he can see auras and astral and discarnate beings. Unlike most clairvoyants, however, he does not use his rare gift to earn money by contacting the “dead”. No, Anton Styger is totally committed to delivering the dark companions polluting the ether from their earthly binds. Read more...
A prayer of release for earth-bound souls. not available online order this issue