There being ‘more things in heaven and earth’, we are peeking behind the curtain of the unseen to find out what makes Facebook & co ticking time bombs.
What turns kids into violent bullies? The youngsters who drove Phoebe Prince to suicide all looked like perfectly normal kids from the white middle class. Nothing in their faces hinted at the kind of criminal energy that was to prove fatal for their classmate. What drives ordinary German schoolkids to strip a 15-year-old fellow pupil naked in the school toilets, to hold his head underwater in a toilet bowl, to spray his naked body with water – and to film this brutal, humiliating attack on their mobile phones and upload it to Facebook? The journalist Sascha Adamek commented that “the Iraqi prison Abu Ghraib, where American soldiers humiliated prisoners and documented the abuse on camera, says hello.” Almost certainly, he has instinctively picked up the right scent. There is a spiritual law that says the things that we direct our attention to are strengthened by it – and that we then seek to imitate them. The energies sent out by videos, films, and games like these penetrate our mental and emotional worlds and start to corrupt them, imperceptibly but efficiently. What was once horrifying and monstrous becomes first attractive (and therefore something to be imitated) and finally quite normal.
The young people who now bully others (in real life or online) to the point of despair or even suicide have in many cases spent years beforehand playing computer games. From a spiritual perspective, these videogames corrode the self of the person playing them. They lose themselves in the game, as it were, forming a hybrid with their avatar. Up to a point, an ethereal connection with the computer itself is also created, sucking the life force of the player into the computer. The effect is amplified during communal gaming events, where the participants increasingly alienate themselves from the higher parts of their being (the divine in man). The result is a loss of willpower, an addiction to gaming, and a weakening of life force. Young people who spend years on end doping themselves with these games – more than likely listening to ‘music’ of the same stock in between – close their inner portals to the spiritual world. Their ability to perceive the higher, spiritual world keeps dwindling. In fact, eventually they find that everything noble, beautiful – even the divine – becomes psychologically and even physically painful, to the point of being unbearable.
They don’t even realise that this insidious transformation is taking place, because of course their connection with their core, the divine part of them, is growing ever weaker. In a sense, they become drones: remote-controlled and not even aware of it. All this is quite intentional. It’s no coincidence that films that anthropomorphise and glorify robotic beings – Transformers, for example – are so heavily promoted by Hollywood. German current affairs magazine Der Spiegel devoted its 2.12.2013 edition to the brain, including an article on the ‘brain mechanics’ guild’: “The manipulation of the brain has become a question of engineering.” And: “The cyborg era has begun,” because “nervous systems and computers are merging.” According to Der Spiegel, we are getting closer to being able to decode the brain – and reprogram it at will. “They stick tungsten, silicon, platinum, iridium, or steel electrodes into various different parts of the brain, and test different frequencies and power levels to try to make anorexics eat, or rid patients of obsessive fears.”
At the Global Future 2045 conference in New York last summer, futurist and Google ‘ideas man’ Ray Kurzweil predicted that by 2045, the distinction between man and machine will have disappeared. Research towards this end is being supported by Barack Obama’s ‘BRAIN Initiative’, which aims to map the activity of every neuron in the brain. What is the purpose of all this effort, if not to manipulate? We are still expected to believe that they are trying to heal OCD sufferers and the sick – yet the very same technology could be used to create living robots, slaves that don’t need to be kept in chains.
These neuroscientists justify what is evidently a monstrous project by alluding to ever growing numbers of the mentally abnormal, even mentally ill. A fifth of the American population is already on psychoactive medication, and the number of children diagnosed with mental illness has risen by a factor of 35 over the past 20 years! Of course, these scientists refuse to investigate the impact of ever worsening electrosmog on brain health, combined with the dehumanising, brutalising effects of computer games…
Let’s return to youth bullying. The manner in which we perceive life and the world around us creates the world in which we live. When young people become alienated from the finer, more beautiful feelings, and fill the resulting vacuum with the constant observation and virtual acting out of pitiless and inhumane deeds, it’s hardly surprising if eventually those are the only emotions left to spare for friends and family. They have dangerously high levels of aggression, losing control at the slightest provocation. The more often they indulge this tendency, the darker and more disturbed their own emotional world becomes.
Each thought, each feeling produces ethereal energy, which radiates out to the target of the thought. At the same time, it adds this energetic quality to both the ‘source’ and ‘target’ energy field. Someone harbouring feelings of hatred against a schoolmate, expressing such feelings either in the real or virtual world, is akin to firing a poison dart that embeds itself deeply in the target soul: a slow spiritual poisoning, by special delivery. At the same time, hate energy is fortified by every instance of hating in the soul of the initiator (the soul after all being nothing but the sum of our thoughts, feelings, and memories, surrounding us as an energy field). And so hate energy slowly poisons us too, whilst also attracting ethereal creations or ‘entities’ that possess the same vibration. In former times, such entities were called demons or devils. Nowadays, people think of them as nothing more than laughably outdated fairy tales – a fatally mistaken point of view, which gives them the freedom to do as they like. As Goethe put it so aptly in Faust, “These folk wouldn’t feel the devil, even if he’d got them dangling by the neck.”