This page lists all articles published in Facts are Facts concerning the topic Soul.
Two souls, alas, reside within our breast. One light and one dark. Together they make up the emotional world we live in. When will we finally start to exercise our emotional body, and not just our physical one? Because for us this could be the difference between heaven and hell! not available online
From the spiritual point of view, organ transplants have serious consequences. One doesn’t merely acquire another person’s organ, but also part of their destiny – and the responsibility for it! Read more...
Belief in reincarnation has been a common thread running through European history for 2,500 years. For centuries, knowledge of re-embodiment was kept alive independent of Asian influence. not available online order this issue
What links hydrogen atoms and twin souls? - A heavenly power of an allencompassing nature that we humans struggle to comprehend. Read more...
The latest research shows: When a heart is transplanted, a part of the human soul comes along with the organ. Read more...
In the year 553 A.D., 165 Church officials condemned reincarnation. Prior to that time, it had been a fundamental Christian teaching: following the trail of a conspiracy that changed the world. Read more...
Anton Styger came into the world a clairvoyant. Like many mediums, he can see auras and astral and discarnate beings. Unlike most clairvoyants, however, he does not use his rare gift to earn money by contacting the “dead”. No, Anton Styger is totally committed to delivering the dark companions polluting the ether from their earthly binds. Read more...
Is there anything more distressing than the death of a child? Many people who had always believed in a creator begin to have doubts when death, that great dark unknown, snatches a little one. But oddly enough, what causes us adults to become distraught is quite natural to the children themselves. So let us hear what these children have to say. Children who acted as teachers and comforters to adults shortly before their deaths. Children who stand in the midst of life and know that death does not exist-because to them, the law of reincarnation is a fact of life. Read more...