Heart Flame

Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject Heart Flame.

Spiritual Consequences: Man is More than Flesh Alone

From the spiritual point of view, organ transplants have serious consequences. One doesn’t merely acquire another person’s organ, but also part of their destiny – and the responsibility for it! Read more...

Breathing: Connecting to the Creator

Proper breathing should be long and deep, giving us everything our body, mind and soul need. Shortness of breath is one of the most widespread ills of modern society - but health is just a yawn away! Read more...

Organ Transplants: "Two Souls alas! Are Dwelling in my Breast!"

The latest research shows: When a heart is transplanted, a part of the human soul comes along with the organ. Read more...

The Spark that Makes Us Immortal

The time when man looked up to God as a being enthroned above him in unattainable majesty is past. At the threshold of the New Age, the hour has come when He can be recognized where He is closest to us: in the threefold flame within the heart. Read more...