
Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject entities.

Facebook - The Subtle Dimension

There being "more things in heaven and earth", we are peeking behind the curtain of the unseen to find out what makes Facebook & co ticking time bombs. Read more...

Contact With the Dead

Why channelling is so dangerous, and why we normally can't communicate with the dead - even when we think we can. Read more...

Anton Styger: The Man Who Drives the Dragon From the Door

Anton Styger came into the world a clairvoyant. Like many mediums, he can see auras and astral and discarnate beings. Unlike most clairvoyants, however, he does not use his rare gift to earn money by contacting the “dead”. No, Anton Styger is totally committed to delivering the dark companions polluting the ether from their earthly binds. Read more...