This page lists all articles published in Facts are Facts concerning the topic Life Advice • Spirituality.
"Marriage is a story; it begins with a prince who kisses an angel and ends with a bald man staring across the table at a fat woman." What happened to the prince who swept her off her feet? Where is the angel who prepared sweet, sleepless nights? If you are one of those who sometimes stares doubtfully across the table, then maybe this guide will lead you back to that happy place where the oft-critical glance was still mercifully clouded by love... not available online order this issue
...and cultivated a rich harvest to leave behind for humanity. not available online order this issue
Anton Styger came into the world a clairvoyant. Like many mediums, he can see auras and astral and discarnate beings. Unlike most clairvoyants, however, he does not use his rare gift to earn money by contacting the “dead”. No, Anton Styger is totally committed to delivering the dark companions polluting the ether from their earthly binds. Read more...
How to protect yourself energetically from the powers of darkness. not available online order this issue
A prayer of release for earth-bound souls. not available online order this issue
Heaven and hell stand daily open before us. We buy our entry ticket to one or the other of them with our thoughts. Find out which scenes a psychometrist sees in the etheric realm when there is harassment in the office. Read how entrenched thoughts can chain us to the most absurd situations on the Other Side. And how someone who understands how to direct his fate can no longer save himself from “lucky coincidences”! Read more...
Pastor Will Bowen has declared war on whining and complaining. Millions are already participating in his experiment. not available online order this issue
Leo the “crazy lion” has been one of our readers for many years. When we by chance got talking on the phone, we quickly realized that if more elderly people did what Leo does in his simple way, our society might just be a happier one. By bringing old people and children together through Nature and gardening, he teaches young people what really matters in life: letting love flow. Read more...
The land of snow and ice was once a flourishing continent. Although today it is considered inhospitable, it exerts an almost magically attractive force over mankind. It’s no wonder the continent is entrenched in so many legends – from the entrance to fabled “Shangri La” located in the earth’s interior to the obscure stories about secret UFO bases not inhabited by extraterrestrials… Read more...
One of the sweetest beings on this planet is the tux-wearing, walking bird of the South Pole. Here follows some information about their lives and existence, which may surprise you. Read more...