This page lists all articles published in Facts are Facts concerning the topic Life Advice • Spirituality.
How mass consciousness can alter reality. Interesting experiments with random number generators. not available online order this issue
Is there anything more distressing than the death of a child? Many people who had always believed in a creator begin to have doubts when death, that great dark unknown, snatches a little one. But oddly enough, what causes us adults to become distraught is quite natural to the children themselves. So let us hear what these children have to say. Children who acted as teachers and comforters to adults shortly before their deaths. Children who stand in the midst of life and know that death does not exist-because to them, the law of reincarnation is a fact of life. Read more...
Humor-A godsend to mankind. Humor not only chases away the black clouds of depression and despair, but even heals the most severe physical illnesses. Read more...
America was long known to the world's initiates. They determined when it might be "discovered". They chose the discoverer. They knew the plan for the New World and its purpose: to become the leading nation in the promised Goden Age. Read more...
The time when man looked up to God as a being enthroned above him in unattainable majesty is past. At the threshold of the New Age, the hour has come when He can be recognized where He is closest to us: in the threefold flame within the heart. Read more...
"Man proposes, God disposes." This pious phrase echoes an age which has just elapsed. Now, in the Age of Aquarius, man is called upon to develop the "Buddhic consciousness"-which means no less than to think God's own thoughts. Read more...
Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto has succeeded in making the quality of water visible: he freezes it and then photographs the water crystals. His discoveries should set us thinking: water reacts immediately and sensitively to every message that it receives-manifesting ugliness or heavenly beauty depending on what man impresses upon it. not available online order this issue
All of nature is permeated by the divine soul. Even natural catastrophes are guided by a conscious intelligence for the wellbeing of the entire planet. Read more...