This page lists all articles published in Facts are Facts concerning the topic Life Advice • Spirituality.
What "The Second Coming" really means to mankind. not available online order this issue
She has experienced how the blind can see, the lame can walk again and how tumours or skin diseases have simply disappeared. People from all over the world come to be healed by Pamela Sommer-Dickson. “I don’t play Fate or God,” says the petite Dutch woman, who has lived near Bern, Switzerland, for many years. “If it’s meant to be, it will happen—God willing.” Read more...
The Earth is a School of Life, so tests are the order of the day. If you don't want to fail a grade, you'd better get on with them! not available online order this issue
Something is rotten—not only in the State of Denmark, but on planet Earth. For maybe the first time in our history, most people no longer believe in utopias—they don’t believe that a completely different, more beautiful and better existence might be possible. In spite of that, there are utopias that exist here and now and which have been visited by people. Read more...
The inversion of cosmic law: The Illuminati and their actions from a spiritual perspective. Read more...
The true spiritual meaning of of the five-pointed star. not available online order this issue
The Bulgarian Sage Omraam Mikhael Aivanov talks about the spiritual meaning of the pyramid. not available online order this issue
The most effective battle is the spiritual one.
When the world seems to be coming apart at the seams there is only one recourse that protects us from all tribulations: Love. If we give ourselves over to the inner realm of love, pain becomes joy, fear becomes assurance, and uncertainty becomes calm. Unfortunately, many have forgotten that love is not something to be consumed, but the spirit’s noblest pursuit that flows through the heart. This article proclaims the searching and finding of love and how it can be brought back to life even when it seems to have already died. For, as Heinrich Pestalozzi said, “God is near when people show Love for one another.” Read more...
The Masculine and Feminine as a Mirror of the Cosmos and Ourselves Read more...