This page lists all articles published in Facts are Facts concerning the topic Life Advice • Spirituality.
…this saying applies to the Swiss mountaineer Evelyne Binsack more than to most people. After she scaled Mount Everest in 2001, she set out to reach the South Pole using nothing but muscle power. Over the course of about 400 days, she put 25,000 kilometers behind her, climbed 120,000 vertical meters on her bicycle and went on to march 1,180 kilometers to the South Pole. Yet it’s not a physical challenge that Evelyne Binsack primarily seeks; in fact, it’s more her style to embrace the essence of being. Read more...
Powerfule Nature spirits animate mountains and peaks. We can consciously connect to their power. not available online order this issue
“The will is not just ‘a’ power, but all power that exists. How did God create the world? With Will. So it is that our innate ability, which we call willpower, is actually a divine power; a power that increases when we recognize its potential and that proves itself to be the biggest miracle of life.” - Jnayat Khan, founder of the Sufi movement Read more...
How to Send Fear Flying not available online order this issue
How to change weakness to strength. not available online order this issue
Any illness can be remedied with the power of positive thinking and proper breathing. One Japanese centenarian doctor has proven this time and again-and has become younger in the process! Read more...
What the world lacks today are compelling and coherent moral values. So when we received the Moral Compass (that you will find in the centrefold of this issue), we asked its creator to write something about it for us. It then became apparent that something much more fundamental underlay this lack of morals, namely the lost knowledge of reincarnation. For if human beings were aware that they would reap in a future life what they sow in this one, they would certainly acquire a firmer basis for their morality! Read more...
Jesus Christ will not return on clouds of glory so that those who have "died in Christ" are raised and believers are spirited away into heaven. Against all the assertions of Christian theologians, an accurate analysis of the relevant Bible texts already reveals what is truly meant by the "Second Coming". not available online order this issue
Why immorality is leading us into an abyss that ends in fear. And why the path of morality based on love leads us to freedom. not available online order this issue
Yuck, you say. Well, you don't have to go straight to kissing snails. But how about showing them a little affection? Eike Braunroth is a man who has learned to make friends with what we disdainfully refer to as "creepy crawlies". It has turned his garden into a paradise! Read more...