This page lists all articles published in Facts are Facts concerning the topic Health • Science.
The Masculine and Feminine as a Mirror of the Cosmos and Ourselves Read more...
...and cultivated a rich harvest to leave behind for humanity. not available online order this issue
"Flowers are the beautiful hieroglyphics of nature, with which she indicates how much she loves us," Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once wrote. Experience pictures by a man who strives to depict the souls of flowers and trees for the good of our own. Read more...
Bees keep dying—wherever mobiles have become indispensible. And it’s not just the industrial countries; even developing countries are now affected. Read here about the most recent vital results that reveal how increasing electrosmog is threatening the survival of people, birds and bees and what we can do about it! Read more...
Now birds, too, are no longer able to withstand cell phone radiation. not available online order this issue
Why damage from cell phones is only now beginning to come to light. Read more...
If you are planning on getting immunized against the Swine Flu in the near future, think twice—and read this article. Even the conservative British Times warns that the immunization is an “enormous and daring experiment”. Even Tamiflu is no life preserver, since 99 percent of the current flu virus strains are resistant to it. This is no reason to panic, however, since a pandemic just does not seem to be taking form, despite all attempts to convince us otherwise. Read more...
…and coloured light has healing properties for life! Many illnesses and complaints can gently be treated by Spectro-Chrome therapy – without any side effects. Read more...
OPC, derived from grape seed extract, is perhaps the most powerful known antioxidant. It reduces tissue damage, strengthens blood vessels, improves blood circulation, reduces inflammation, detoxifies the body, multiplies the effect of Vitamin C and other agents, protects the brain and nerves, and forces cancer cells to commit suicide. So why do so few people take advantage of this concentrated form of Nature’s best protector? Read more...
The land of snow and ice was once a flourishing continent. Although today it is considered inhospitable, it exerts an almost magically attractive force over mankind. It’s no wonder the continent is entrenched in so many legends – from the entrance to fabled “Shangri La” located in the earth’s interior to the obscure stories about secret UFO bases not inhabited by extraterrestrials… Read more...