Health • Science

This page lists all articles published in Facts are Facts concerning the topic Health • Science.

Penguins: Discovering the Man Within the Bird

One of the sweetest beings on this planet is the tux-wearing, walking bird of the South Pole. Here follows some information about their lives and existence, which may surprise you. Read more...

Antenna Towers Make It a Dog's Life...

Animals don’t know anything about electromagnetic pollution. It just makes them sick. The effects of cellular and wireless phones on the health of dogs, cats, horses and cows. Read more...

The Light Bulb must not go out!

Politicians and environmental organizations portray the incandescent light bulb as an electricity-guzzling environmental bad guy. As a result, it is gradually being phased out over the next few years. Yet its replacement, the energy saving light bulb, is not so “green” as plugged. Its light does not only damage our eyes, but can even cause hormone-related illnesses – including cancer! Read more...

Energy saving bulbs – no thank you!

“Don’t believe any statistics that you haven’t falsified yourself!” You don’t have to smuggle in false data these days to draw false conclusions – just don’t bother considering all the aspects. Official figures and arguments regarding energy saving light bulbs and the light bulb ban are no exception here. Read more...

Energy Saving Light Bulbs can make you ill!

Light therapist and physician Alexander Wunsch has spent years warning us of the danger of mercury emissions given off by energy saving light bulbs, LCD televisions and computer screens. In this interview he explains the many ways in which these fluorescent lights inflict damage on us. Read more...

The Fountain of Youth Within

Any illness can be remedied with the power of positive thinking and proper breathing. One Japanese centenarian doctor has proven this time and again-and has become younger in the process! Read more...

Have You Kissed a Snail yet Today?

Yuck, you say. Well, you don't have to go straight to kissing snails. But how about showing them a little affection? Eike Braunroth is a man who has learned to make friends with what we disdainfully refer to as "creepy crawlies". It has turned his garden into a paradise! Read more...

When Our Cell Phones Chat with Our Genes

Our DNA can understand what we are saying on our cell phones. But this little known, additional hazard of today's microwave technology also conceals a valuable opportunity for the future-provided we replace unnatural cellular phone technology with a more natural means of telecommunications. Read more...

You Sleep-I'll Keep Watch

How mass consciousness can alter reality. Interesting experiments with random number generators. not available online   order this issue

Humor: Laugh Your Ego Off!

Humor-A godsend to mankind. Humor not only chases away the black clouds of depression and despair, but even heals the most severe physical illnesses. Read more...