
This page lists all articles published in Facts are Facts concerning the topic Vaccination.

Autism: Rooted in the Bowel

Autism is a metabolic disorder. It is also triggered by vaccinations that damage the bowel in small children, most notably the MMR jab. Even though this has been substantiated several times over, the researcher who first discovered the connection still faces intense persecution. Read more...

One Billion is enough!

Nothing troubles the secret elite powers quite so much as the world’s growing population. Their goal is to reduce this number to a billion—and by any means possible: wars, famine, epidemics, disease and vaccines that make women infertile. Read more...

Vaccinations: A Deadly Injection?

Epidemics could finish off more people than war and starvation within a very short time. What if someone were to take advantage of this? Read more...

Path to Health

How to stay healthy and grow old gracefully. not available online   order this issue

Vaccination Against Cervival Cancer?

Since the deaths of several young women, the vaccination against cervical cancer has come under heavy criticism. Read more...

You Lucky Pig - The Swine Flu doesn't Kill!

If you are planning on getting immunized against the Swine Flu in the near future, think twice—and read this article. Even the conservative British Times warns that the immunization is an “enormous and daring experiment”. Even Tamiflu is no life preserver, since 99 percent of the current flu virus strains are resistant to it. This is no reason to panic, however, since a pandemic just does not seem to be taking form, despite all attempts to convince us otherwise. Read more...