
This page lists all articles published in Facts are Facts concerning the topic Health.

Earthing—Get Healthy and Vital by Going Barefoot!

Would you like to stay young, vibrant, healthy and beautiful, to feel physically well because your body has enough energy to see you through the day? Do you enjoy being out in Nature, breathing in the fresh air? Because just by going ­barefoot, you can change your life for the better! Read more...

Body Elemental: The Spirit Within the Flesh

Although we're connected to it our whole life long, we don't know who our body really is: A being with its own past, future, and individual consciousness. Read more...

Healing with the "Breath of Life"

Illness manifests itself in our etheric body long before we experience it physically. Pranic healing works on disease or sickness in the place it first emerges - often before we even realise it's there. This "no-touche" method of healing activates the power of self-healing, harmonises energy imbalances in the etheric body, and strengthens life force. And it often works where all other medicine has failed. Read more...

Breathing: Connecting to the Creator

Proper breathing should be long and deep, giving us everything our body, mind and soul need. Shortness of breath is one of the most widespread ills of modern society - but health is just a yawn away! Read more...

How industrial toxic waste is sold to us as healthy

Walter Mauch, a German doctor, is a vocal campaigner against the toxins that threaten our health every single day. Read here his powerful and alarming words on the subject of fluoride, iodine, aspartame, glycerine, glutamate and trans fats. Read more...

Goodbye to Cellulite and Baldness!

What cellulite is for women, the bald patch is for men: not simply a ‘cosmetic problem’ but a tactic employed by the body to ensure our survival. By eliminating the causes of these two common complaints, we can help the skin regain its firmness and the head hold on to its crowning glory. Read more...

Get Rid of Gallstones - Pain-free!

Not just a product of the gall bladder, gallstones can also occur in the liver - perhaps the most important organ for our health. But it can only work to its optimum efficiency if we keep it gallstone-free. not available online   order this issue

Organ Transplants: "Two Souls alas! Are Dwelling in my Breast!"

The latest research shows: When a heart is transplanted, a part of the human soul comes along with the organ. Read more...

Proteins: The Disregarded Key to Better Health

A lot of people suffer from a chronic protein deficiency, which all too often leads to a number of health complaints. Food alone is not always the answer, but thanks to the ­latest nutritional research there is now a solution. Read more...