
This page lists all articles published in Facts are Facts concerning the topic Health.

Energy saving bulbs – no thank you!

“Don’t believe any statistics that you haven’t falsified yourself!” You don’t have to smuggle in false data these days to draw false conclusions – just don’t bother considering all the aspects. Official figures and arguments regarding energy saving light bulbs and the light bulb ban are no exception here. Read more...

Energy Saving Light Bulbs can make you ill!

Light therapist and physician Alexander Wunsch has spent years warning us of the danger of mercury emissions given off by energy saving light bulbs, LCD televisions and computer screens. In this interview he explains the many ways in which these fluorescent lights inflict damage on us. Read more...

The Fountain of Youth Within

Any illness can be remedied with the power of positive thinking and proper breathing. One Japanese centenarian doctor has proven this time and again-and has become younger in the process! Read more...

When Our Cell Phones Chat with Our Genes

Our DNA can understand what we are saying on our cell phones. But this little known, additional hazard of today's microwave technology also conceals a valuable opportunity for the future-provided we replace unnatural cellular phone technology with a more natural means of telecommunications. Read more...

Humor: Laugh Your Ego Off!

Humor-A godsend to mankind. Humor not only chases away the black clouds of depression and despair, but even heals the most severe physical illnesses. Read more...

Panic Attacks: The Trick With Adrenalin

Panic attacks and anxiety are frequently a consequence of exhaustion and poor nutrition. Read more...

Diets make you fat! So what makes you thin?

In the long run, a diet is the surest way to become fat. So is there a way to enjoy eating and remain thin? Yes! With a method that the Frenchman Michel Montignac has discovered. Read more...

Food Additives: When Mussels Are Made of Pork...

... and peach flavour is made of castor oil... then it will have been the food industry that prepared the table for us. We will find ourselves in a beautiful new world of food in which nothing is what it seems any more. With catastrophic consequences for our bodies! not available online   order this issue