
Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject medicine.

Healthy Teeth: Please Do Not Disturb: Cleaning in Progress

It's just as we've always suspected: we don't need the archetypal scary dentist with his drill to look after our teeth! Teeth are actually in the best position to look after themselves - before we start interfering, that is. not available online   order this issue

Digestion: If the Bowel's Happy, We're Happy Too!

300 to 500 square metres of intestinal mucosa is the fertile soil on which the little plant of our health depends. If the ecology of our digestive garden becomes unbalanced, diseases may spring up. At first glance they have absolutely nothing in common with one another: depression and anxiety, development disorders and learning difficulties, as well as allergies and obesity - even illnesses such as diabetes, Parkinson's or Alzheimer's. not available online   order this issue

Ultrasound - The Sledgehammer of DNA

Ultrasound scans can be extremely dangerous for the unborn child. Russian scientists have even compared sonograms to a sledgehammer that can cause enormous damage to the unborn baby's DNA. not available online   order this issue

Organ Transplants: "Two Souls alas! Are Dwelling in my Breast!"

The latest research shows: When a heart is transplanted, a part of the human soul comes along with the organ. Read more...

Bion Energy: The Rubber That Radiates Harmony

Find out here how special silicon compresses help the body regain harmony simply by being placed upon it, and how findings from quantum physics make the specific application of this bion energy possible. Read more...

Alzheimers-Therapy: Return from Oblivion

A therapy using magnetic impulses may be able to bring people suffering from long-term dementia back to the land of the living. Read more...

MMS–Just 3 Atoms Against All Those Microbes!

A chemical used for decades to disinfect drinking water is proving to be perhaps the strongest antibiotic of all. Yet what could give hope to millions is deliberately being kept quiet by those with the most to lose. Read more...

Humor: Laugh Your Ego Off!

Humor-A godsend to mankind. Humor not only chases away the black clouds of depression and despair, but even heals the most severe physical illnesses. Read more...