
Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject Healing.

"It's your body speaking!"

In 1986, nurse Roswitha Sacher made an astonishing discovery: quite unexpectedly and surprisingly she made contact with her body elemental - the spirit that builds and looks after the human body. not available online   order this issue

Healing with the "Breath of Life"

Illness manifests itself in our etheric body long before we experience it physically. Pranic healing works on disease or sickness in the place it first emerges - often before we even realise it's there. This "no-touche" method of healing activates the power of self-healing, harmonises energy imbalances in the etheric body, and strengthens life force. And it often works where all other medicine has failed. Read more...

Breathing: Connecting to the Creator

Proper breathing should be long and deep, giving us everything our body, mind and soul need. Shortness of breath is one of the most widespread ills of modern society - but health is just a yawn away! Read more...

Diagnostics of Karma: How Emotions Form our Fate - and How We Can Find Release!

For many years, the Russian healer, seer, and psychologist Sergey N. Lazarev has researched how destructive emotions bring us into disharmony with the Universe and what our Higher Selves and the Cosmos do to limit their harmful influence. Their effect can be fatal-not only for ourselves, but for our entire kin. The good news: we each have the power to wipe the slate clean! Read more...

Bion Energy: The Rubber That Radiates Harmony

Find out here how special silicon compresses help the body regain harmony simply by being placed upon it, and how findings from quantum physics make the specific application of this bion energy possible. Read more...

Healing the Sea from an Oil Spill

With the massive oil disaster off the Gulf of Mexico currently causing outrage, clairvoyant Anton Styger relates how in 2003 he helped to restore the battered northern coast of Spain to health—by spiritual means alone! Read more...

MMS–Just 3 Atoms Against All Those Microbes!

A chemical used for decades to disinfect drinking water is proving to be perhaps the strongest antibiotic of all. Yet what could give hope to millions is deliberately being kept quiet by those with the most to lose. Read more...

Pamela Sommer-Dickson: “Discover the strength within you—You can!”

She has experienced how the blind can see, the lame can walk again and how tumours or skin diseases have simply disappeared. People from all over the world come to be healed by Pamela Sommer-Dickson. “I don’t play Fate or God,” says the petite Dutch woman, who has lived near Bern, Switzerland, for many years. “If it’s meant to be, it will happen—God willing.” Read more...

Light is Food for Life…

…and coloured light has healing properties for life! Many illnesses and complaints can gently be treated by Spectro-Chrome therapy – without any side effects. Read more...

Humor: Laugh Your Ego Off!

Humor-A godsend to mankind. Humor not only chases away the black clouds of depression and despair, but even heals the most severe physical illnesses. Read more...