
Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject re-embodiment.

Heaven or Hell? Your Inner Self Decides!

Some day, when we arrive in the Beyond, it won’t matter what appearance we presented to the outside world – all that matters is our inner wealth. In the second part of our report on the Beyond, we explore what to expect from the ‘Final Judgement’, the aspect of ‘marital’ coexistence, why we must go ‘back down’ to Earth, and why suicide is the worst offence of all. And after all that, come and join us on an unforgettable journey into the highest sphere of heaven! Read more...

Root Races: Born from Dust, Destined for Gods

Humanity moves across the earth in seven great evolutionary waves. A cosmic plan is at their source that leads each individual human soul to perfection – even if it takes aeons to do so. A person incarnates in different root races until he or she has finally learned everything that this planetary classroom has to teach. Read more...

Reincarnation: "When I Was Big"

Again and again, little children are discovered whose "band of forgetfulness" is still permeable, and who can clearly remember a past life. Cases like these have been scientifically researched for more than 40 years. One book looks specifically at European cases. Read more...

Europeans Too Believed in Re-Embodiment

Belief in reincarnation has been a common thread running through European history for 2,500 years. For centuries, knowledge of re-embodiment was kept alive independent of Asian influence. not available online   order this issue


Migration problems are a question of consciousness too - it's no coincidence where you are born. Read more...

Lawrence of Arabia: Even Heroes aren't immortal

...more often than not, they return to Earth as quite ordinary people. Not too long ago, a young man watching the film "Lawrence of Arabia" found himself shaken to the very core by the memories it evoked. Discover the astonishing story of one of the greatest heroes of the 20th century - and the attributes he brought with him to his current earthly existence. Read more...

The Church's Biggest Lie

In the year 553 A.D., 165 Church officials condemned reincarnation. Prior to that time, it had been a fundamental Christian teaching: following the trail of a conspiracy that changed the world. Read more...

Reincarnation Is Not Being Born Again!

The author of this article has studied both the early Christian teachings of the Church Fathers as well as the Eastern religions. In the Occident and Orient alike, they not only knew of the fact that every person passes through many earthly lives, but also that we will one day arrive at the point when we are born again. But what does this mean exactly? Read more...

The Saviour Lives In Us

What "The Second Coming" really means to mankind. not available online   order this issue

The Moral Dilemma of Right and Wrong

What the world lacks today are compelling and coherent moral values. So when we received the Moral Compass (that you will find in the centrefold of this issue), we asked its creator to write something about it for us. It then became apparent that something much more fundamental underlay this lack of morals, namely the lost knowledge of reincarnation. For if human beings were aware that they would reap in a future life what they sow in this one, they would certainly acquire a firmer basis for their morality! Read more...