Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject humanity.
The tobacco in the mummified pharaoh is piece of the puzzle, just as are the magnolia tree in Florida and the wall fragments on the bottom of the Caribbean. Together with thousand of other such pieces, they trace the outline of an ancient continent that lies buried under the waters of the Atlantic. not available online order this issue
Atlantis is having a boom in film and literature. But despite all the exaggerated legends, the most important aspect is mostly forgotten – namely, what lesson we should learn from Atlantis. For decadence, pomposity, and the misguided belief that Man doesn’t need God triumph today once again, as they did in that sunken empire. Read more...
Long before Atlantis rose from the waves, mankind dwelt on Lemuria. It was a golden age in the ‘Garden of Eden’ – but then came the ‘Fall’. Giant creatures roamed through forests of gigantic ferns, seeking shelter from the raging elements – until one day their world sank into the ocean, leaving barely a physical trace. Read more...
Humanity moves across the earth in seven great evolutionary waves. A cosmic plan is at their source that leads each individual human soul to perfection – even if it takes aeons to do so. A person incarnates in different root races until he or she has finally learned everything that this planetary classroom has to teach. Read more...
Migration problems are a question of consciousness too - it's no coincidence where you are born. Read more...
Although we're connected to it our whole life long, we don't know who our body really is: A being with its own past, future, and individual consciousness. Read more...
How music caused the rise and fall of great cultures in antiquity—from ancient India to the Roman Empire. Read more...
What is Beethoven's merit? What distinguishes César Franck from other composers? Why was Handel such a success in England and what was Richard Wagner's mission? There are more things behind the music than our book learning can dream of! not available online order this issue