Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject Jesua bar Joseph.
He helped Christianity achieve its worldwide influence—and simultaneously laid the foundation for its greatest failure and most disgraceful deeds: the “Apostle to the Gentiles”, Saul who turned into Paul. Read more...
James the Just was not only Jesus’ younger brother, but also his successor as leader of the first Christians. If Christianity had built its church on this rock, the world would be a different place today. Read here the forgotten story of a man whose memory was deliberately erased by the Church. Read more...
The Roman Church chose an extremely bad patron saint for itself: Simon Peter, who was never commissioned by Jesus to found a church. Read more...
Thanks to the Turin Shroud, in the last few decades scientists have been able to prove that Jesus survived the crucifixion. If this fact were finally fully recognised, two religions would have to change their doctrine - with far-reaching consequences for all mankind. Read more...
The author of this article has studied both the early Christian teachings of the Church Fathers as well as the Eastern religions. In the Occident and Orient alike, they not only knew of the fact that every person passes through many earthly lives, but also that we will one day arrive at the point when we are born again. But what does this mean exactly? Read more...
What "The Second Coming" really means to mankind. not available online order this issue
What the world lacks today are compelling and coherent moral values. So when we received the Moral Compass (that you will find in the centrefold of this issue), we asked its creator to write something about it for us. It then became apparent that something much more fundamental underlay this lack of morals, namely the lost knowledge of reincarnation. For if human beings were aware that they would reap in a future life what they sow in this one, they would certainly acquire a firmer basis for their morality! Read more...
Jesus Christ will not return on clouds of glory so that those who have "died in Christ" are raised and believers are spirited away into heaven. Against all the assertions of Christian theologians, an accurate analysis of the relevant Bible texts already reveals what is truly meant by the "Second Coming". not available online order this issue