Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject consciousness.
We can send space probes through the solar system, but we have forgotten how to keep love alive. The reason can be found in the very place where the probes are headed: in the sun, the source of divine love. Whoever blocks this source prevents earthly love from succeeding. This is more than just ‘religious’ doctrine: it’s a fact, recently proven in the discipline of field energetics. Read on to find out how you can breathe new life into love – and keep ‘divorce’ a foreign concept. Read more...
Some day, when we arrive in the Beyond, it won’t matter what appearance we presented to the outside world – all that matters is our inner wealth. In the second part of our report on the Beyond, we explore what to expect from the ‘Final Judgement’, the aspect of ‘marital’ coexistence, why we must go ‘back down’ to Earth, and why suicide is the worst offence of all. And after all that, come and join us on an unforgettable journey into the highest sphere of heaven! Read more...
Atlantis is having a boom in film and literature. But despite all the exaggerated legends, the most important aspect is mostly forgotten – namely, what lesson we should learn from Atlantis. For decadence, pomposity, and the misguided belief that Man doesn’t need God triumph today once again, as they did in that sunken empire. Read more...
Long before Atlantis rose from the waves, mankind dwelt on Lemuria. It was a golden age in the ‘Garden of Eden’ – but then came the ‘Fall’. Giant creatures roamed through forests of gigantic ferns, seeking shelter from the raging elements – until one day their world sank into the ocean, leaving barely a physical trace. Read more...
Humanity moves across the earth in seven great evolutionary waves. A cosmic plan is at their source that leads each individual human soul to perfection – even if it takes aeons to do so. A person incarnates in different root races until he or she has finally learned everything that this planetary classroom has to teach. Read more...
Unlimited immigration dumbs down Western Europe - scientifically proven! Read more...
Migration problems are a question of consciousness too - it's no coincidence where you are born. Read more...
What do we actually do when our body is lying sleeping in bed? Why do we sometimes fall into dreamless deep sleep and other times jerk awake bathed in a cold sweat? Find out here why all sleep is not equal and how you can use the night to further your development! Read more...
...said the Chinese Sage Lao Tse 2,500 years ago. Another quote from his contemporary, Confucius, confirms just how false the goals that our society prizes are: "The noble man uses his wealth to create his life. The common man uses his life to create wealth." Learn here how to deal with the theme "money or not money" without letting it consume your soul. Read more...
The chronicle of an indecent success that has been corrupting the morals of society for the last century. Read more...