Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject pollution control.
Forests are the Earth's skin. Without them, life would be impossible. Read more...
For decades, a worrying decay of the Earth's magnetic field has been observed. This is directly related to the disappearance of the planet's plant cover. not available online order this issue
Driving and heating, nonpolluting incineration or welding - all using water? It sounds like a story from the Thousand and One Nights, but it's reality: Brown gas (HHO) makes it possible! not available online order this issue
More and more, cheaper and cheaper—globalisation is making it all possible. Yet this ‘dream’ of unlimited economic growth comes at a terrible price. We are suffocating the planet under a pile of rubbish, and ruining our health in the process. Read more...
These days we may as well talk about Mother Plastic as Mother Earth. That's because everything today is made of that stuff: it's considered pretty (artifical flowers), cool (mobile phones) and essential (bottled water). But plastic is much more than that - first and foremost it's dangerous to our health. Read here how dangerous your water bottle really is and why it can be an effective method of contraception! Why? Because plastic can make you infertil! Read more...
Over 75 years ago, one man showed us how to purify water naturally and how to harness its colossal power. If we were to follow Viktor Schauberger's teachings today, pure and healthy water would be within our reach, as well as the ability to produce almost limitless amounts of energy from plain water and air - for next to nothing. Read more...
Water is able to store energetic information in its molecular chains. It creates an orderly structure which matches that of a crystal. We need this "order" from water to stay alive. If the order is lost, a vortex can be used to restore it. not available online order this issue
Pioneering student of nature Viktor Schauberger was one of the most significant personalities of the last century, yet received no laurels in his own lifetime. Today, more than 50 years after his death, his findings are being put into practice with increasing success—particularly in watercourses. Read more...
Industrial agriculture has made deserts of previously fertile fields. Yet they don’t have to stay that way for ever—barren terrain can soon regain its fruitfulness with the miracle of terra preta, the ‘black earth’. Read more...
In 1995, an electric car came onto the market in the USA that could have revolutionised the automobile industry. Unfortunately, it was too good to survive! Just imagine what the world would be like today if nearly all our comfortable cars ran on quiet, clean and much more efficient electric motors! Read more...