Nature protection

Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject nature protection.

Globalisation: Overindulging on Wealth

More and more, cheaper and cheaper—globalisation is making it all possible. Yet this ‘dream’ of unlimited economic growth comes at a terrible price. We are suffocating the planet under a pile of rubbish, and ruining our health in the process. Read more...

Ecological Flood Prevention as Acupuncture for Nature

Pioneering student of nature Viktor Schauberger was one of the most significant personalities of the last century, yet received no laurels in his own lifetime. Today, more than 50 years after his death, his findings are being put into practice with increasing success—­particularly in watercourses. Read more...

Terra Preta: The Secret of the Rainforest's fertile Soil

Industrial agriculture has made deserts of previously fertile fields. Yet they don’t have to stay that way for ever—barren terrain can soon regain its fruitfulness with the miracle of terra preta, the ‘black earth’. Read more...