
Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject consciousness.

False Gods: Everyone wants to be famous

Everyone wants to be famous and increasingly more people are obsessed with copying Hollywood stars. Read more...

Hollywood: Stumbling Block for the Soul

Hollywood is damaging humanity far more than we realise. It arrests the development of human potential. Read more...

Image Streaming: Films in the Language of God

What sets a genius apart? How can we communicate with our Higher Self? There is a simple method that brings us closer to God and increases our intelligence! Read more...

The Yin and Yang in our Heads

Brain halves: Their interplay holds the key to inspiration and an enhanced memory that goes beyond this earthly life. Read more...

Near-Death Experiences

Where does our consciousness dwell? not available online   order this issue

America: The Dream of a better World

How a bestselling author pays homage to mankind’s spiritual potential and what that has to do with the vision of America’s Founding Fathers: on the trail of fascinating Gnostic mysteries that surround the most powerful city on earth. Read more...

Noetics: Space Travel Through the Inner Universe

A cutting-edge branch of research delves into mankind's mental potential. Noetics proves that all Life is connected and that the microcosm and macrocosm inform each other. Read more...

“Our Life is the Product of our thoughts” - Marcus Aurelius

Heaven and hell stand daily open before us. We buy our entry ticket to one or the other of them with our thoughts. Find out which scenes a psychometrist sees in the etheric realm when there is harassment in the office. Read how entrenched thoughts can chain us to the most absurd situations on the Other Side. And how someone who understands how to direct his fate can no longer save himself from “lucky coincidences”! Read more...

Complaint Free: You Are What You Say

Pastor Will Bowen has declared war on whining and complaining. Millions are already participating in his experiment. not available online   order this issue

You Sleep-I'll Keep Watch

How mass consciousness can alter reality. Interesting experiments with random number generators. not available online   order this issue