As the well-known saying goes, too many cooks spoil the soup. But we ignore this truism when it comes to migration and the social tensions it causes. Scientific studies have shown that the average intelligence of immigrants plays a key role here. Now people in the German-speaking countries are starting to talk openly about this once taboo subject.
In April 2012, the populist Swiss weekly Weltwoche succeeded in doing something that everyone in the newspapers dreams of doing. Their article on a controversial topic whipped up such a media frenzy that even the foreign media noticed and got involved, admittedly reporting more on the magazine itself than on the facts Weltwoche had brought to public attention. And the attention was by no means all positive. In the following week’s edition, editor Roger Köppel wrote that he had even received lawsuits from Austria and Germany. “Some individuals sued, though declaring that they had not even read the article”. The Viennese journalist who declared that he had “long since stopped reading Weltwoche” obviously being one of them. One German was representative of many outraged readers: “I am not even going to read your alleged ‘nuanced‘ article”.
When subscribers are infuriated by content that they haven’t even read and journalists jump to accuse their colleagues of ‘hate speech‘ (and even report them to the authorities), then in German-speaking Europe this can only mean that we’re dealing with the hot topic of immigration. The bone of contention which drew so much ire was an article on the Roma, that group of people previously commonly referred to, somewhat disrespectfully, as Gypsies. “Is a newspaper allowed to present the facts, even if these are laden with taboos?” asked Köppel in his editorial after the wave of indignation. “Apparently, it’s ‘racist’ to show these problems. We categorically reject this accusation. Racism arises when the negative side-effects of immigration are made taboo and ignored”.
What was all the fuss about anyway? The magazine published a six-page article, backed-up with facts and statistics, under the headline ‘The Roma are coming: Robbing their way through Switzerland—crime as a family business’. It detailed how “Eastern European Roma clans are responsible for a large part of growing ‘crime tourism’”, and that “they send women on the game1 and kids to beg on the streets”.
The statistics demonstrate a 16% rise for offences against property (i.e. break-ins, theft, etc.), in Switzerland in 2011. The cantons on the borders suffer the most. According to the Geneva police force, three groups are responsible for the break-ins: firstly, criminal bands from the Balkans, particularly Romanians; secondly, illegal immigrants from North Africa; finally, young Roma, operating out of Milan (Italy). “They operate like foreign shock troops, breaking into Switzerland to grab as much as they can, and then disappearing as quickly as possible,” wrote Weltwoche.
“The gangs, the majority of which originate in Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, or Croatia, exploit their children by using them in criminal activities. According to the Waadt cantonal police force, the days are long gone when these children would merely beg in aid of made-up ‘deaf and dumb organisations’: the kids are experienced conmen and pickpockets, and professionals at breaking and entering. “They go through a kind of ‘breaking and entering apprenticeship’,” declared police spokesman Jean-Christophe Sauterel in Weltwoche. “At age 12, they learn to steal into houses and flats where doors or windows have been left open. By age 14, they are using tools to break the doors open,” the magazine continues. If the police catch them, they end up in custody for a couple of days—if they’re really unlucky. That’s the longest they’ll be kept for, before they can return to their clan. Thus last year, for example, two young criminals broke into 450 flats in Geneva and took 250,000 CHF. Jean-Francois Cintas, head of the burglary division of the Geneva police force, told Le Temps newspaper: “If you come across two young Gypsies in Geneva who are out and about on their own, there is a 99% chance that they have a screwdriver in their pocket.”
Obviously, freedom of movement and the Schengen Agreement2 play into the hands of these criminals.
The beggars too—according to experts, also mostly Roma—are also becoming more and more of a problem, and more aggressive. Fines are ineffective. Within three years, the Geneva police issued fines to the value of 1.6 million CHF. The authorities were able to recover a mere 35,000 CHF. Swiss-Germans are also aware of the problem. To take one example, as the Zurich police attempted to confront four Roma who had pretended to be deaf mute, the men fled in a BMW with Bulgarian number plates.
In the Swiss sex trade, Roma pimps increasingly draw attention to themselves with their use of unprecedented brutality. Their influence is only growing, as more and more of the streetwalkers are Roma. This is all facilitated by the Roma clan structure. The tribe comes above everything else. Hence, Roma women are exposed to “the iron grip of the underworld,” according to lawyer and underworld expert Valentin Landmann. “The women work for the family.”
The so-called ‘grandson scam’ is also firmly under Roma control, tightly organised by the Lakatosz clan at an international level. The con involves ‘distant relatives in acute financial distress’ ripping off large sums of money from elderly people, who thanks to their good nature (and incipient senility), fall for the heart-rending claims of the callers, and ‘lend’ them money that will never be seen again. In Switzerland alone, on average one pensioner a week will be robbed of 35,000 CHF in this way.
All this is well known to experts in the field. But talking about it in public just isn’t done. Of course, the majority of the 8 to 12 million Roma are not criminals. This is also clearly stated in the Weltwoche article. Even the media lawyer and former president of the Swiss Press Council, Peter Studer, had to admit that the article was “well documented,” even “excellent”. Yet unfortunately, few bothered to read it—particularly not the critics. So it was no surprise that when the editorial team of Weltwoche invited them to present their arguments in the next issue of the magazine, they all declined. They preferred to get hot and bothered about a cover picture (of undisputed authenticity) that showed a Roma child holding a toy gun up to the face of the viewer. Martine Brunschwig Graf, president of the Federal Commission against Racism, declared the photograph to be stereotyping and liable to encourage prejudice against an ethnic group. She complained that the picture had a different message than the content of the article.
It’s possible to be of two minds about this extremely provocative and perhaps exaggeratedly selective Weltwoche cover picture. It’s perfectly understandable that some think that it’s in poor taste. Whether or not that qualifies as racism and can be legally defined as ‘hate speech’ is another question altogether. In any case, one thing is clear: a cover picture like this can only fuel prejudice in those people who are too stupid or arrogant to read the accompanying article. Weltwoche pointed out that “it seems very strange, and seems to demonstrate a lack of maturity in relation to a serious problem, that people are outraged by a picture which symbolises a problem, while seemingly being unconcerned at what is being done to these children—who are victims as well as offenders—by their parents and relatives.”
Indeed, according to experts, children are “sold, or lent for a certain period of time, to Roma gangs, chiefly from Romania or Bulgaria. They are turned into professional thieves and beggars in training camps. If they don’t return with enough money, they are threatened with the withholding of food, beatings, and worse,” Weltwoche continues.
Germany is faced with at least as pressing an immigration problem as Switzerland. Yet most politicians there (still) don’t want to know anything about it, and would rather stick their heads in the sand. Roger Köppel wrote in his Weltwoche editorial that “The writer George Bernard Shaw recognised the dark side to German thoroughness, which produced fantastic achievements in culture and science, but led to unbearable and catastrophic circumstances in the political arena: ‘The Germans have great strengths, but also a dangerous weakness: the obsession to take every good thing too far, so as to make an evil out of it’.”
This includes the over the top obsession with ‘politically correct’ behaviour, fed by the moral millstone of Germany’s Nazi past. Whilst the obvious problems caused by once highly praised multiculturalism are now increasingly being discussed openly in countries speaking other languages, officialdom in Germany is still grimly determined to ignore this ticking social time bomb.
One German who is prepared to confront the situation is Udo Ulfkotte. Born in 1960, the journalist studied criminology, Islamic studies and politics. He wrote for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung for many years, lectured at universities, and was a consultant to the Federal College for Security Studies. In addition, he wrote provocative non-fiction books, many of which made it onto the bestseller lists. When describing him, the publishers of his latest work say that “Ulfkotte, who for many years in his official capacity accompanied Chancellors, Foreign Ministers, and Presidents, has had his house searched six times on suspicion of betrayal of official secrets, because he is prepared to make public things that, in the minds of politicians and officialdom, ought rather to be held back from the public”.
Ulfkotte’s book published in October 2011, ‘Immigration Nightmare—Lies, Broken Promises, Deception’, was based on more than a thousand sources, and numerous scientific studies. The amount of data in the book was so great that a website was set up specifically for it (
When we visit foreign countries or even live there for a time and get to know different ways of life, this indisputably broadens our mental horizons and usually promotes tolerance. The long-term mixing of totally different worldviews and cultures in a confined space has, however, led to increasing migration problems in Europe. The civil war style riots which took place in London and other English cities in August 2011, where migrants, particularly black Africans, devoted themselves to anarchy, violence, and plunder on an unprecedented scale, have not been forgotten.
Such unrestrained primitive behaviour is always the result of a correspondingly primitive consciousness. Yet how is it possible to approach this spiritual concept scientifically? Intelligence is an important indicator in relation to this (but not the only one!). Intelligence, in contrast to consciousness, is quantifiable. The intelligence levels of nations, too, can be measured (see cut-out). If the national IQ sinks, then the population of that country is in decline. Statistical analyses the world over have proven this to be the case. “It’s a fact that the inhabitants of nations with a higher national IQ have a better standard of living than those of nations with a lower IQ,” writes Ulfkotte. It has already been a decade since academics Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen published their several hundred page book on this topic, ‘IQ and the Wealth of Nations’. “People from countries like Equatorial Guinea, Mozambique, and Gabon possess by far the lowest IQs in worldwide comparison, and therefore a low per capita income”, continues Ulfkotte “whereas citizens of countries like South Korea and Singapore have the highest IQs and the highest incomes.”
The same correlation can be see within the EU. Greece, bringing up the rear with a national IQ of 92, is facing the most desperate struggle in Europe for economic survival.
With the flood of immigrants into our countries, the socio-political and economic significance of the consciousness level these newcomers bring with them is enormous. Will they be able to integrate in the host country, help it progress—i.e., be able to contribute some additional quality—or will they basically take, and be a burden on the state?
Ulfkotte explains, “If you can increase the average IQ of a population by 10 points, through intelligent immigration for example, then the final result will be a permanent increase of 20% in GDP (without spending a penny!).”
Western Europe, however, is headed in the opposite direction, risking its citizens’ standard of living. “Instead of bringing productive people into the country, we have imported masses of people from backwards regions of the world who take from the system,” Ulfkotte warns. “In 2011, according to official statistics there were 3.1 million illiterate immigrants from totally alien cultural backgrounds living in Germany alone.” Ulfkotte has a pessimistic view of the future. “We still dream of being able to somehow deal with the catastrophic effects of the financial crash. After all, earlier generations managed to overcome crises like these. Yet in those days we still had the necessary precondition for success: a huge reservoir of highly intelligent, productive people. Today though, ‘Austria and Germany are finished’.”
Former Democratic US President Bill Clinton recognised this danger in the mid-90s and, cooperating with congressional Republicans, pushed through legislation denying immigrants any form of welfare for the first ten years after their naturalisation. “That was a clever chess move,” comments Ulfkotte, “since a portion of the potential migrants from regions with low national IQs then went to the EU instead, where there were no such restrictions.”