This page lists all articles published in Facts are Facts concerning the topic Politics • Society.
We love people who say right out what they mean. Assuming they think like we do. Mark Twain not available online order this issue
More and more, cheaper and cheaper—globalisation is making it all possible. Yet this ‘dream’ of unlimited economic growth comes at a terrible price. We are suffocating the planet under a pile of rubbish, and ruining our health in the process. Read more...
These days we may as well talk about Mother Plastic as Mother Earth. That's because everything today is made of that stuff: it's considered pretty (artifical flowers), cool (mobile phones) and essential (bottled water). But plastic is much more than that - first and foremost it's dangerous to our health. Read here how dangerous your water bottle really is and why it can be an effective method of contraception! Why? Because plastic can make you infertil! Read more...
Social networks and online shopping are being abused to find out everything about us. Read more...
...said the Chinese Sage Lao Tse 2,500 years ago. Another quote from his contemporary, Confucius, confirms just how false the goals that our society prizes are: "The noble man uses his wealth to create his life. The common man uses his life to create wealth." Learn here how to deal with the theme "money or not money" without letting it consume your soul. Read more...
The Jews revere Moses like no other. He led the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt and gave them the Mosaic Laws. But he could not prevent his people from breaking their covenant with God. Join us on a fascinating search through desert sand and seawaters that holds more than one surprise in store. Read more...
He helped Christianity achieve its worldwide influence—and simultaneously laid the foundation for its greatest failure and most disgraceful deeds: the “Apostle to the Gentiles”, Saul who turned into Paul. Read more...
Read here about the events surrounding the horrible massacre on the Norwegian island Utøya and in Oslo —events that the mass media has kept from us. Read more...
We are all children of the sun. We live in the body of the sun. Everything that we have, are, and will be comes from the sun. How amazing that we seek God, and don’t recognise Him or Her in the sun! Read more...
So was he or wasn’t he born in the USA? Barack Obama’s publicised birth certificate from Hawaii has raised more questions than it has answered. Lucky for him, Obama liquidated Osama at just the right moment—nothing else was talked of then. But to Obama’s embarrassment, there’s another birth certificate, according to which he was born in Kenya. Read more...