
Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject sustentation.

Genetic Engineering: The 'Safest' Way to Get Sick

Genetic engineering is "safe". Or so say the corporations, politicians, media, scientists and authorities in an unstoppable barrage of media fairy tales. Now powerful circles want to use the crisis to spread these dangerous lab plants all over the world. Read more...

Vitamin D - an increasingly important all-rounder!

We should take care to get enough of the "sun vitamin" - especially in the cold months of the year! not available online   order this issue

Magnesium: The success stories

Our article on magnesium in the last issue of Facts are Facts provoked a massive response. Read here just a few of the success stories sent in by readers who felt the benefits for themselves, and remind yourselves of the essential functions performed by magnesium in the body. Read more...

Arthritis and Osteoporosis can be Healed!

We are currently experiencing a serious and widespread magnesium deficiency. Depleted soil is not least to blame, as it only produces vegetables and grains that are low in this essential mineral. Yet magnesium is vital for our well-being: not only can it heal “incurable” diseases such as arthritis, but we also need it for healthy cell division. Too little magnesium means degenerated cells—in other words, cancer. Read more...

Path to Health

How to stay healthy and grow old gracefully. not available online   order this issue

OPC: The Power of Grape Seeds

OPC, derived from grape seed extract, is perhaps the most powerful known antioxidant. It reduces tissue damage, strengthens blood vessels, improves blood circulation, reduces inflammation, detoxifies the body, multiplies the effect of Vitamin C and other agents, protects the brain and nerves, and forces cancer cells to commit suicide. So why do so few people take advantage of this concentrated form of Nature’s best protector? Read more...

Panic Attacks: The Trick With Adrenalin

Panic attacks and anxiety are frequently a consequence of exhaustion and poor nutrition. Read more...

Diets make you fat! So what makes you thin?

In the long run, a diet is the surest way to become fat. So is there a way to enjoy eating and remain thin? Yes! With a method that the Frenchman Michel Montignac has discovered. Read more...

Food Additives: When Mussels Are Made of Pork...

... and peach flavour is made of castor oil... then it will have been the food industry that prepared the table for us. We will find ourselves in a beautiful new world of food in which nothing is what it seems any more. With catastrophic consequences for our bodies! not available online   order this issue