Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject laws of life.
We can send space probes through the solar system, but we have forgotten how to keep love alive. The reason can be found in the very place where the probes are headed: in the sun, the source of divine love. Whoever blocks this source prevents earthly love from succeeding. This is more than just ‘religious’ doctrine: it’s a fact, recently proven in the discipline of field energetics. Read on to find out how you can breathe new life into love – and keep ‘divorce’ a foreign concept. Read more...
...said the Chinese Sage Lao Tse 2,500 years ago. Another quote from his contemporary, Confucius, confirms just how false the goals that our society prizes are: "The noble man uses his wealth to create his life. The common man uses his life to create wealth." Learn here how to deal with the theme "money or not money" without letting it consume your soul. Read more...
Now that we have examined the geo-political background of the current fanaticising of Islam, we will try to take a more spiritual view of things. If we remain on the same level on which the battle is being fought, we may miss the light of knowledge in the smoke of cannon. not available online order this issue
The fundamental principals of all religions come from the same source. not available online order this issue
“Dog eat dog, and mind nothing but your own business!” It seems that this has been the general precept in economy ever since the Industrial Revolution. This might help to rake in money, but it will not bring about true success, because being truly successful is something that manifests itself on every level, leading to a healthy, happy, prosperous and joyous connection with all life. Read more...
The Earth is a School of Life, so tests are the order of the day. If you don't want to fail a grade, you'd better get on with them! not available online order this issue
When the world seems to be coming apart at the seams there is only one recourse that protects us from all tribulations: Love. If we give ourselves over to the inner realm of love, pain becomes joy, fear becomes assurance, and uncertainty becomes calm. Unfortunately, many have forgotten that love is not something to be consumed, but the spirit’s noblest pursuit that flows through the heart. This article proclaims the searching and finding of love and how it can be brought back to life even when it seems to have already died. For, as Heinrich Pestalozzi said, “God is near when people show Love for one another.” Read more...