
Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject conspiracy.

The Three Hundred Puppeteers

What unites high-ranking Freemason, the big banks, the Illuminati, the royal houses, and the tycoons? They are all members of the "Committee of 300", which, according to a British ex-spy, rules the world - here and now. Read more...

Committee of 300: Who's Who

The Names and functions of the world's 300 most influental people. not available online   order this issue

Norwegian massacre: Is Something Rotten in the State of Norway?

Read here about the events surrounding the horrible massacre on the Norwegian island Utøya and in Oslo —events that the mass media has kept from us. Read more...

To World Wealth with Waterloo

How Napoleon's defeat brought one banker immense wealth. not available online   order this issue

The US Civil War: The Attempt to Bring America to her Knees

The true reasons for Abraham Lincoln's assassination. not available online   order this issue

The Privatisation of the Dollar

How the most powerful nation on earth became enslaved not available online   order this issue

Rock Music: Where have all the flowers gone...

Once upon a time it was the “Make Love, Not War” ethos of the Flower Children that ruled the airwaves. Yet today’s music superstars are simply puppets for the Illuminati and their totalitarian “New World Order”. Read on to discover the untold story of a phenomenon of our times, without which the modern world would be very different. Read more...

One Billion is enough!

Nothing troubles the secret elite powers quite so much as the world’s growing population. Their goal is to reduce this number to a billion—and by any means possible: wars, famine, epidemics, disease and vaccines that make women infertile. Read more...

Vaccinations: A Deadly Injection?

Epidemics could finish off more people than war and starvation within a very short time. What if someone were to take advantage of this? Read more...