Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject Life.
Forests are the Earth's skin. Without them, life would be impossible. Read more...
For decades, a worrying decay of the Earth's magnetic field has been observed. This is directly related to the disappearance of the planet's plant cover. not available online order this issue
Although we're connected to it our whole life long, we don't know who our body really is: A being with its own past, future, and individual consciousness. Read more...
The universe wasn't created by the Big Bang, but by the Creator. Galaxies form, fall apart, and form anew - for as above, so below. Read more...
We are all children of the sun. We live in the body of the sun. Everything that we have, are, and will be comes from the sun. How amazing that we seek God, and don’t recognise Him or Her in the sun! Read more...
Any illness can be remedied with the power of positive thinking and proper breathing. One Japanese centenarian doctor has proven this time and again-and has become younger in the process! Read more...