
Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject electromagnetism.

Earthing—Get Healthy and Vital by Going Barefoot!

Would you like to stay young, vibrant, healthy and beautiful, to feel physically well because your body has enough energy to see you through the day? Do you enjoy being out in Nature, breathing in the fresh air? Because just by going ­barefoot, you can change your life for the better! Read more...

Disappearing Water

Constantly increasing levels of wireless communication are damaging the internal structure of water and breaking it apart, worsening droughts and accelerating climate change. Read more...

Migratory Birds & Magnetic Fields: Deadly Interference

The internationally renowned biophysicist Ulrich Warnke from Saarbrücken in Germany has spent decades researching the effects of electromagnetic fields on living organisms. In this essay he proves by example of bird migration, among others, how our wireless communication technology has such a harmful effect on animal and man. Read more...

The Bees Are Dying

Bees keep dying—wherever mobiles have become indispensible. And it’s not just the industrial countries; even developing countries are now affected. Read here about the most recent vital results that reveal how increasing electrosmog is threatening the survival of people, birds and bees and what we can do about it! Read more...

Electromagnetic Pollution: The Sparrow - No Longer In Fine Feather

Now birds, too, are no longer able to withstand cell phone radiation. not available online   order this issue

When Our Cell Phones Chat with Our Genes

Our DNA can understand what we are saying on our cell phones. But this little known, additional hazard of today's microwave technology also conceals a valuable opportunity for the future-provided we replace unnatural cellular phone technology with a more natural means of telecommunications. Read more...