Health risk

Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject health risk.

Permanent Brain Damage - Could Smartphones Be to Blame?

Mobile phone radiation is causing physical and mental sickness predominantly in children and young people – and may even be making them infertile. The latest scientific findings are alarming. Read more...

Free Your Body of Heavy Metals - For Good!

Millions suffer from mercury poisoning. What can be done? not available online   order this issue

Disappearing Water

Constantly increasing levels of wireless communication are damaging the internal structure of water and breaking it apart, worsening droughts and accelerating climate change. Read more...

How industrial toxic waste is sold to us as healthy

Walter Mauch, a German doctor, is a vocal campaigner against the toxins that threaten our health every single day. Read here his powerful and alarming words on the subject of fluoride, iodine, aspartame, glycerine, glutamate and trans fats. Read more...