
Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject spirit.

Composers Who Changed the World

What is Beethoven's merit? What distinguishes César Franck from other composers? Why was Handel such a success in England and what was Richard Wagner's mission? There are more things behind the music than our book learning can dream of! not available online   order this issue

The Spark that Makes Us Immortal

The time when man looked up to God as a being enthroned above him in unattainable majesty is past. At the threshold of the New Age, the hour has come when He can be recognized where He is closest to us: in the threefold flame within the heart. Read more...

The Substance Out of Which the World Is Born

"Man proposes, God disposes." This pious phrase echoes an age which has just elapsed. Now, in the Age of Aquarius, man is called upon to develop the "Buddhic consciousness"-which means no less than to think God's own thoughts. Read more...