
Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject Nature.

Healing the Sea from an Oil Spill

With the massive oil disaster off the Gulf of Mexico currently causing outrage, clairvoyant Anton Styger relates how in 2003 he helped to restore the battered northern coast of Spain to health—by spiritual means alone! Read more...

The latest News from Brother Tree and Sister Flower

Plants can see, hear, talk, smell, taste, feel, communicate and remember. Plants have more sense receptors than people! Tomatoes can sense an approaching cyclone three days in advance, and if plants have a “headache” they produce their own aspirin… Research is constantly unearthing amazing new information! Read more...

Have You Kissed a Snail yet Today?

Yuck, you say. Well, you don't have to go straight to kissing snails. But how about showing them a little affection? Eike Braunroth is a man who has learned to make friends with what we disdainfully refer to as "creepy crawlies". It has turned his garden into a paradise! Read more...