Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject zionism.
Exactly one hundred years ago, a group was founded in London that has manipulated public opinion in the West on an unbelievable scale ever since. The accomplices to its crimes are many and diverse, but two, the Tavistock Institute and the RAND Corporation, play a critical role. Read more...
Read here about the events surrounding the horrible massacre on the Norwegian island Utøya and in Oslo —events that the mass media has kept from us. Read more...
Was the development of militant Islam inevitable—or was it stirred up by those powers that want to spark off the "Clash of Civilisations"? Read more...
Did John F. Kennedy's determined (and then secret) behind-the-scenes efforts to prevent Israel from building a nuclear weapons arsenal play a pivotal part in the events that led to his assassination on November 22, 1963? Read more...
An European perspective on the current (2005) situation in the USA. Read more...