
This page lists all articles published in Facts are Facts concerning the topic Science.

The Natural Law of Yin and Yang

The Masculine and Feminine as a Mirror of the Cosmos and Ourselves Read more...

Imagami: Blooms of Dreams for Human Souls

"Flowers are the beautiful hieroglyphics of nature, with which she indicates how much she loves us," Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once wrote. Experience pictures by a man who strives to depict the souls of flowers and trees for the good of our own. Read more...

Mysterious Antarctica

The land of snow and ice was once a flourishing continent. Although today it is considered inhospitable, it exerts an almost magically attractive force over mankind. It’s no wonder the continent is entrenched in so many legends – from the entrance to fabled “Shangri La” located in the earth’s interior to the obscure stories about secret UFO bases not inhabited by extraterrestrials… Read more...

The Light Bulb must not go out!

Politicians and environmental organizations portray the incandescent light bulb as an electricity-guzzling environmental bad guy. As a result, it is gradually being phased out over the next few years. Yet its replacement, the energy saving light bulb, is not so “green” as plugged. Its light does not only damage our eyes, but can even cause hormone-related illnesses – including cancer! Read more...

Energy Saving Light Bulbs can make you ill!

Light therapist and physician Alexander Wunsch has spent years warning us of the danger of mercury emissions given off by energy saving light bulbs, LCD televisions and computer screens. In this interview he explains the many ways in which these fluorescent lights inflict damage on us. Read more...

You Sleep-I'll Keep Watch

How mass consciousness can alter reality. Interesting experiments with random number generators. not available online   order this issue

The Message of Water

Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto has succeeded in making the quality of water visible: he freezes it and then photographs the water crystals. His discoveries should set us thinking: water reacts immediately and sensitively to every message that it receives-manifesting ugliness or heavenly beauty depending on what man impresses upon it. not available online   order this issue

Electricity: Direct current vs alternating current

Nature's microwaves from the sun are based on pulsed direct current, man-made microwave technology on alternating current - we explain the dangerous difference between it. not available online   order this issue